This is the story of 2 couples taking a step back from Corporate Canada life to fulfill a lifelong dream. This blog is by no means a “How To” on planning and executing a journey around the world, but rather a sharing of our experiences and feelings from 2 perspectives as we fumble our way around the world on a journey of a lifetime

"Life begins at the end of your comfort Zone" - Neale Donald Walsch

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Peace Out 2011, Bring it 2012!!!

So Jonny and I rung in 2012 last night by dancing the night away at a wedding of the youngest daughter of great family friends of mine. I must say the concept of a New Year's Eve wedding is just a fantastic idea - its got all the elements of want you in an outstanding New Years Eve. An excuse to put on your finest outfit - Check, Delicious food and drinks - Check, Family and Friends - Check, the perfect balance top forties and crowd pleasing oldies to keep you dancing all night- Check and the added bonus of all the love and celebration that goes with witnessing a young couple so in love taking the plunge - Overall an excellent way to ring in the new year. 

And like all great New Year's Eve revelry this celebration included a countdown to the main event. As the DJ started the 10 second countdown signaling the big moment approaching, the moment when we all close the books on the previous years trials and tribulations, the highs and lows, and begin to look forward to the promise that a fresh year brings, I found my stomach flip-flopping with excitement and anticipation much more than in New Year's past. Now the free flowing cocktails and champagne may have helped contribute to this feeling, however I suspect that the real contributor was the fact that when this countdown was over and the DJ announced the moment that we put 2011 to rest, after all the noise makers have silenced, and the passionate embraces at the stroke of midnight have ended, the holiday season is officially over and there are only a single digit number of days between me and the departure for our big trip (9 days to be exact :) ) 

10.....9.....8 "OMG When this clock strikes midnight we are just a handful of days until we leave everything behind!! I can't believe how much I still have to do over the next couple days!" ...... 7......6......5... "I can't believe we are going to have a whole year without winter!!! ... ugh I still have to pack" ...... 4....3..... "I can't believe I don't have to go back to work on Monday - YESSSSSSS" .....2...1..... " HAPPPPPY NEW YEAR - I can't believe it, we are really ready to do this. After all the prepping and planning all that's left is to check off the last couple of items on, what just a few weeks ago seemed like a never ending to-do list - 2012 B.R.I.N.G I.T!!!" 

If it is not already abundantly clear I am pretty giddy with excitement (both the happy and the nervous kind) for our upcoming adventure. Over the past few weeks, particularly the holiday season, we have been flooded from friends and family with offers to put us in contact with friends worldwide, well wishes, messages of support and just general positive thoughts for our trip which has meant so much to us. I thought I should pay it forward and put out into the universe my wishes for everyone for 2012. 

For everyone I am wishing for a 2012 that is filled with endless success, infinite possibilities,  health and happiness, prosperity, and lots of vacation time so you can all come visit us on the road!!



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