It took us a while to find our travelling groove and we fumbled a bit a first. Things like how best to lock up our things, keep you stuff organized when you are packing and unpacking literally daily, how to quickly learn how to navigate a city, to know how early to be for the bus were foreign to us, but somehow along the way we have found our system. We can now have those bags organized, zipped and slung on our backs in seconds flat!
So far this trip has lived up to everything I imagined when I first started to dream up this trip way back in high school. We have met some incredible people, learned things about cultures that you would never read in a book and marveled at scenery like you have never seen... plus not having to work everyday helps! It's only been 1 month so its hard to say what the future will hold but I can only imagine that this is only the tip of the iceburg of this crazy adventure.
In honor of our first month on the road we though we would do a bit of a 1 month travel report:
Countries visited: 3
Cities visited: 8
Major fights: Happy to report this is still zero!
Items lost of forgetten: 3 - Soap, Sunscreen and face cream - well almost 4 when Jonny left his oakleys on a tour bus, luckily we went back the next day and the company had them
Items Stolen: 1 - Our digital SLR camera and all the gear with it........... I hate you whoever did this!
We also did a little survey of each other
My most worn item (other than underwear): V neck tee and j-crew shorts
most un used item in my backpack: Pack pillow
My favorite food so far: Parilla in Salta
My favorite Hostel so far was: Hotel Mitru in Tupiza for the pool
One thing I wish I had with me is: My Sperrys!
One of my favorite moments so far was: 1) ariving in Buenos Aires and getting the feeling of being in a city again 2) walking into an airplane hanger looking for my plane on a military base
At this moment in time I am most excited for next: Tonight - because its not yesterday or tomorrow....... real answer is bronze following carnival
One thing I have been suprised about on this trip so far is: The size of Mendoza
My most worn item (other than underwear): Jean shorts
Most un used item in my backpack: My pack rain cover (knock on wood)
My favorite food so far: Empanadas in Argentina!!
My favorite Hostel so far was: Aldean Inca in Titicaca lake for the hammocks
One thing I wish I had with me is: More shorts....... its very hot
One of my favorite moments so far was: Dinner with new friends and locals in Mendoza at Luna Mexican
At this moment in time I am most excited for next: CARNIVALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL - 7 days!
One thing I have been suprised about on this trip so far is: We haven't partied as much as expected but that is all chaning so as we are going to the biggest party in the world!
Pleeeeeeeeze be careful at the biggest party in the world. Have fun but remember that along with all the great party goers and wonderful people (like yourselves) it attracts many pick-pockets, sleaze bags and thugs. Just saying.