...... and then it came to
us (with the help of Holiday classic movies and the ingenious opportunity
spot from Clegger)…….
The majority of
this trip, at least its influence and attitude going into it can be summed up
Think about it…
Indy is a college professor of Archaeology, scholarly and learned in a tweed
suit, lecturing on ancient civilizations.
At any opportunity
to recover important artifacts, Dr. Jones transforms into "Indiana,"
a "non-superhero superhero". Unlike other superheros, Indy gets
hurt, and climbs out of his clumsy mistakes in miraculous, hardcore, well…..
Indy ways…

Looking back, I
think the Indy films are one of the most influential resources for not just our
very own, indy-like adventure, but also life and history itself.
The proof is in the
(insert Wayne's World flashback sounds)....
It was Tuesday
night. Tals and I spent the day frantically purchasing our last minute items
and even more frantically cleaning up the mess they left behind in Clegger’s
apartment…. An hour later, dinner is being prepared and we realize my wallet
and phone are gone. Thank god for Find my iPhone, we deduced the phone was
somewhere in the building…
- Not in the car
- Not on the ground
- Not under or in any apartment furniture…
- It must be… NO WAY… maybe… IT MUST… the garbage….
That’s when I
opened the chute door, climbed in and dropped 10 stories slowing down the force
of gravity by using my whip for support. I clumsily fell into the snake-infested
garbage only to come out with my wallet and phone…. True Indy form.
Truthfully, Hunter
went on his own into the garbage room, rummaged through poop-infested diapers
(standard day for Jamsy – ask him what the 3 most common ER occurrences are…
poop, puss or blood. But usually poop and puss) and found them. He then came
back upstairs introducing his findings in a modest, yet heroic manner.
Hunter.. you saved
the day… in true Indy form. Congrats. The silver fox would be proud.
Then comes the
other side of Indiana Jones. The historic and geographic resource that he
provided me for so many years…When my brain took me here, I found myself
giggling about WHAT IF (Indy influenced) scenarios…. So, here they are:
When offered fresh
Peruvian fruit in a Lima market, Jonny notices a parasite sitting on Talia’s
tongue. He quickly grabs it with ninja-like accuracy saving Talia from multiple
evenings of stomach problems and aggressive antibiotics
When offered a
sample of ceviche, JJ notices the local sprinkling poison into the concoction.
He uses his whip to propel himself above the crowded street, striking the evil
local with a massive blow. Another incident avoided no thanks to Indiana Jones
Cuzco - The gateway to the
Inca Trail and Machu Picchu.
At times, the trek
can be traitorous. Especially in wet season when we will be there.
On a steap segment
of the journey between Pacaymayo Camp (3,660m) to Runquracay Pass (3,950m), our
lovely porter finds himself in trouble. His 1980’s TEVA sandal (although uber retro cool lacks functional and performance needs) has been caught
on a rock on the edge of a cliff, only to find himself dangling for his life.
Tals and CKs intuition takes over in a very Indy way. They dash to the Porter,
hauling him up to his feet. Thanks again Indy. You’re a true hero.
Man….. unemployment
really does funny things to you.
You are truly my hero, Dr. Jones. Godspeed!