People have asked us, how and why we decided we will go on this journey. There is not really a simple answer to either of those questions.
FACT: There is no perfect time to leave your job, family, friends, etc and uproot yourself to travel around the world.....
... So the answer the question of how did we decide this was the right time to drop everything and travel we basically just set a date and said no matter what comes along from job opportunities, family, friends, events we are just driving towards that date. And once we did that they rest of was just working backwards to get everything done. Once we started talking about and planning for the trip one of my very best friends and her boyfriend, Kait and J.J. decided that this was also the right time for them to pursue this once-in-a-lifetime journey so we have joined forces and will be travelling all together for the next 8-10 months!
... So the answer the question of how did we decide this was the right time to drop everything and travel we basically just set a date and said no matter what comes along from job opportunities, family, friends, events we are just driving towards that date. And once we did that they rest of was just working backwards to get everything done. Once we started talking about and planning for the trip one of my very best friends and her boyfriend, Kait and J.J. decided that this was also the right time for them to pursue this once-in-a-lifetime journey so we have joined forces and will be travelling all together for the next 8-10 months!
To answer the question of why the answer is simple - Wanderlust. For as long as I can remember I have had an infatuation with travelling and constantly get bit with that feeling of wanderlust. I am by no means a very well traveled person (...unless you call long distance communting as travel, but I will save that
discussion for another time). I have travelled significantly around Canada and
parts of the US and spend a decent amount of time in Central Europe that is
about the extent of it. So this blog will not be a “How To” on planning and executing a journey around the world.
Instead this blog is mean to be a sharing of our experiences and feelings from
2 perspectives as we fumble our way around the world on a journey of a lifetime
I’d be lying if I said I never had second thoughts or cold feet as we planned for this. Anyone who knows me well knows that the list of things that the list of thing risky, spontaneous, super adventurous things I have done is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller that they list of things that I am afraid of. I had many internal moments, ummm actually full conversations with myself where I said this is crazy! I can’t do this! I’m too scared to leave! I am comfortable here!…….. but never once did I say to myself I don’t WANT to go, or this is a BAD IDEA, so instead I told my Talia Brain to shut the hell up – one step at a time, one foot in front of the other and go after your dream.
Since we are both taking a step out of the corporate world
and stuffy offices we sit day after day to follow this dream we have called our
blog Out.Of.Office……but in my case Out.Of.Element. will probably be a more
appropriate title.